The Orphanages

We have worked closely with the various orphanages over the years; some of our members have been visiting them for over ten years! During this time we have seen children come and go, but it gives us great joy to still see some familiar faces during our visits to the town.

Although we are kept extremely busy on these trips, we ensure we spend as much time with the children as we can while we are there. This could be talking and playing games, organising arts and crafts sessions, or involving them in our annual Fun Day.

As with the other institutions in the area, we may carry out manual tasks or – for the larger projects – fund repair work and modernisation as needed.

Below are projects we have helped with over the years:

Provided further toilet and washing accommodation and continued funding educational opportunities

Supplied a fridge to the Baby Orphanage in nearby Montana
Refurbished the toilets and washrooms; funded further educational projects

Funded a summer camp and educational programme
Funded a “transit” programme for older children prior to leaving the Institution

Gave “educational” lessons on handicrafts
Brought a special wheelchair, clothes and nappies for the Baby Orphanage in nearby Montana

Funded some winter food for the children
Decorated the TV room and corridors
Bought a karaoke machine for Orphanage
Provided baby walkers for the Baby Orphanage in nearby Montana

Varnished the benches in the courtyard





