We have been working with the Old People’s Home for many years, and have seen a great number of improvements take place in this time. The life expectancy of the residents has grown over the years, and we are delighted to see some familiar face each time we go back.
Below are projects we have helped with over the years:
Decorated some dormitories
Prepared an area for a path to be laid in the garden
Constructed the Visitors Centre, allowing family members and friends to visit and stay with residents
Excavated and planted a herb and flower garden for residents
Refurbished bath/toilet accommodation
Supplied a TV and sound systems
Bought a commercial oven
Bought 50 fruit trees
Built a covered social area in the garden for the residents
Agreed a contribution towards refurbishment of dormitory
Brought a TV to provide some stimulation for the residents
Decorated and refurbished some dormitories
